Karate Teaches Kids Self-Defense
Parents never want to think about it, but there may come a time when a child is forced to defend himself against someone trying to do him harm. While it is unrealistic to expect a child to go toe to toe with an adult two to three times his size, a kid who knows martial arts techniques has a better chance of catching an attacker off guard and escaping to safety.
To find a style of karate that suits your child, sit in on a few classes and observe the teaching methods and student-teacher interactions. Our martial arts studio is even willing to offer a free introductory lesson to help parents get a general feel of what karate would be like for their kids.
Karate is a wonderful way to reiterate the positive values taught in the home -- but martial arts instructors only spend one to two hours a week with your child, so be patient. Self-esteem, discipline, focus, and optimum levels of physical fitness take time to achieve.